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I am a... Options

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Posted:     Post subject: I am a... Options

Question. I don't know if this is something related to an umbrella format of all Passions sites, or if it's something that can be augmented for the Transpassions site—and I apologize if anyone has brought this up before already—but, is it possible to have more options than 'female' and 'male' in the "I am a..." section of the account setup? This inquiry is because the selections female/male translate to woman/man in our profiles.

I'm genderqueer, though masculine-identified, and when I signed up I put that I was female, because I understand the terms 'female' and 'male' as a reference to anatomy, while I understand the terms 'woman' and 'man' to refer to gender. And, of course, it says in my profile that I'm a woman, a statement with which I highly disagree. However, I have a suspicion that if I put that I am male/a man because I prefer to have people relate to me in this fashion, that people will have different expectations of me because of certain connotations.

Would it be possible to add options like FtM, MtF, Other, Genderqueer, Intersexed Man or Intersexed Woman, etc. to the mix?

Thanks for your time,


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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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For technical reasons, the system requires members to choose the S-- they self-identify as, when setting up their profile (ie. M or F).

We have modified the Trans Passions search system to address additional gender issues by adding FTM and MTF into the dropdown menu Search options.

Separately, we added 'Trans' options into the Gender (Transgender) and Orientation (Transgender-MTF & Transgender-FTM) sections of the the ABOUT ME member profile area...along with the existing orientation options of Gay, Straight, Lesbian, Bisexual, Celibate. This allows members to clearly define themselves from both a Gender and an Orientataion perspective. (These additions were made as a direct result of requests from members on Trans Passions.)

Also, the Advanced Search system is the primary search loaded on the SEARCH page, and it allows members to use the Gender and Orientation categories when running searches...which means that members can dig deep into the information provided by other members, and choose individual characteristics like Transgender-FTM or Transgender-MTF.

We also have a Groups area where members can further define themselves, where we have added groups like 'Androgynous' and 'Interesexual'. Members can also run searches within individual Groups to further define the type of person they are looking for.

We do evaluate (and re-evaluate) features within the sites on a regular basis, and we are definitely open to any/all suggestions, but (at least for the moment) we are not likely to make any additional changes to the Trans Passions search systems, or the Trans Passions profile systems.



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